If Consultants have been set up under Booking/Consultant, they will display here. |
When Consultants are set up under PCMs, they are also available under Bookings/ Consultant. |
The Consultant table stores a list of users who will be making quotes (PCMs) and Bookings (both Fastbook and Groupbook). The names in the Consultant table can be linked (via Air Menu Node/PCMs) to the users login. This will automatically assign the Consultant to PCMs and Bookings that they create.
On initial entry to the Consultant node, any existing records will display. |
Screen Shot 78: Consultants Scroll
The column headings at the top of the scroll are the only column headings available in this screen. |
To modify an existing Consultant Description, highlight the row and double click.
To delete an existing Consultant record, highlight the row and click the Delete button in the button bar.
The Initials field cannot be changed. Consultants cannot be deleted if they have been used in a PCM or Booking. |
To create a new Consultant, click the Insert button in the button bar.
Screen Shot 79: Consultant Dialogue
Initials (6 Chars)
The consultant’s initials
Name (120 Chars)
The consultant’s name
Screen Shot 80: Sample Completed Consultant Detail
Click the OK button to save the Consultant record.
Click Cancel to cancel setting up the Consultant record, or to return to the scroll